


You contemplate a visit to Cambodia but you want to stay off the beaten track ?
Welcome to Terres Rouges Lodge.

After long excursions, you will be able to dive in our pool, wander in our landscaped garden or rest in rooms that are superbly decorated.
You will also find it pleasant to have a drink in our bar ( ‘the best bar in the middle of nowhere’ according to Time) and to dine in our restaurant or get to know the three elephants of our partner :  AIRAVATA.


But before you decide to come and discover our region and our staff, I invite you to take a look at our site.



Terres Rouges Lodge is the only « boutique hotel » in the whole province of Ratanakiri.
Ideally situated on the edge of the Banlung lake, the Lodge is the combination of a Cambodian villa and luxurious bungalows in the middle of an exotic garden.

Our lodge which is the former residence of the governor of the province combines the traditions of the past and the comfort you expect today.
It is also extremely convivial : you will meet other people with the same interests and discover the history and the culture of the hill tribes, while taking advantage of the best services available in this remote part of Cambodia.

The front desk is open and staffed 24/7.
Private bathroom for each unit.




Ratanakiri is a mountainous province situated at the north east of Cambodia,the population is sparse, mainly composed of tribes such as the Tampoun, the Kroeung, the Jaraï and the Katcha whose cultures and ways of life have remained practically the same since prehistory. Yet Ratanakiri did evolve a lot during the last decade, tens of thousands of lowland Cambodians have settled there converting much of the province to agriculture.

On these plateaus alternate bamboo forests, timber forests, clearings and scrubland. The region has a lot of waterfalls, caves, lakesgold and precious stones mines.

Hiking in  the dense jungles of Virakchey National Park where wildlife is plentiful, the intrepid traveller might spot bears, wild boars, gaurs, eagles, hornbills and all sorts of birds…

Exploring Ratanakiri is almost as if you were going back to the origins of mankind.
Nature is superb, landscapes impressive, culture authentic but the trails are broken up, the red dust adheres to your skin and the conditions of life are harder than elsewhere in Cambodia.





« The red town » is the provincial capital of Ratanakiri.

It succeeded the town of Lumphat, which is located further South on the Srepok River, after the US Air Force flattened it during the war and is nowadays just a sleepy village.

During the dry season a thick cloud of red dust floats constantly above Banlung giving it a wild « western »  feeling still enhanced by the right angle streets and the evenly red houses.